site news
The time has come...
Published: 2008/08/20 at 11:20
After a long delay, the design phase is finally complete!
All project guidelines are now ready, and the development stage of a fourth reincarnation of our Online Decision Support System can now begin. The list of features is now complete, and we are pleased to announce that we have achieved to make this system as user-friendly as it was possible. We truly believe that we have managed to turn a professional application into a quick-to-use tool that anybody can use.
So, to see what happens, we have decided to make this system free for public use. Yes, free! Anyone will be able to create a free account, and start making decisions in no time! Of course, we will also offer some advanced packages that will include group decision making options, as well as API support or white label subdomain support.
As we now rush to finally develop the stuff we dealt with on papers for months now, we hope that you will find this web site easy to use, or at least will share some of your thoughts about how to improve.
VUXYS Development Team